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Monday, November 28, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

The Monday and Tuesday before Thanksgiving our class brought the first Thanksgiving to life.  We divided up into Pilgrims and Native Americans, created our costumes, built our settings, and taught each other how to do fun activities like: cat's cradle, make wampum necklaces, map making, basket weaving and more.  We had a lot of fun.  Check out our pictures!

Thanksgiving simulation

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Stonewall Farm

On Wednesday Sarah and Jonathan came from Stonewall Farm to help us create our worm bin.  We learned all about decomposers.  We worked together to make our bin, using leaves, sticks, and dirt.  We also tore strips of newspapers to help the worms get started.  We will keep our worm bin in our classroom and watch as our worms create their own community.

Composting with Stonewall Farm

On Tuesday several students from Keene State College came to work with us.  We worked on creating a graph and making guesses:  We had to stand on our non-dominant foot with our eyes closed and our hands behind our heads.  We guessed how long we thought we could stand that way.  Then we had three tries.  In the end we came together to create a class graph based on our data.

On Halloween we celebrated with the school wide parade, a spooky Halloween story with Ms. Meyer, and a great party with Ms. Belden's class.  We had so much fun dressing up and celebrating the holiday.  Thanks to all the parents who helped us celebrate!

Halloween Party

Mrs. Skinner and Ms. Fritz as Crayola crayons

Enjoying our Halloween Party with Ms. Belden's class!